Australian mining conditions require high quality underground dewatering pump solutions for removing water from underground mine sites.
Typically, the deeper the mine goes the more pumps will be required. Traditional PC (progressive cavity) pumps have been commonly used to solve this problem, however, high operating costs and difficulty servicing can lead to complete mine shutdown.
Malcolm Thompson Pumps are proud to deliver the perfect solution to this challenge – the Stalker Super Heavy Duty Series. Built with 27% chrome iron, this pump has been specially designed for underground dewatering with its ability to handle slurry, grit and sharp solid particles of up to 8mm in diameter.
With minimal to no disruption to performance, the time taken to service the pump is greatly reduced due to in-situ underground maintenance. Compared with PC pumps, which are not easy to repair or replace in-situ, the Stalker SHD pump delivers paramount cost savings and improves productivity even in the most challenging mining conditions.
With an increased flow rate starting from 20 to 50 litres per second (L/s) in the most standard models, in comparison to a 27L/s flow rate with a PC pump, the pump has been engineered to have an extended wear life.
Put simply, the SHD pump is engineered and designed to cope with the demands of underground dewatering.
Read one of our case studies on underground dewatering here